📌 currently based in Austin, TX

Amber Huchton (she/her)
Fourth-Year Undergraduate

Amber like the color.
Leigh after Vivian Leigh 
Huchton pronounced "Huck-Ton"​​​​​​​
I am a multi-media artist pursuing my B.A. in Theatre Design & Technology and my Digital Art & Media certificate at the University of Texas at Austin.

I am a Frankenstein's Monster of design, artistic direction, projection, experiential, and a thousand other creative mediums. I am an amalgamation of 21 years of absorbing inspiration from the Broadway stage to the silver screen to the experimental guerrilla student-driven work surrounding me.
Most recently, I had the honor of my project ELYSIAN HEIGHTS making the BAFTAUS Yugo Student Awards Longlist!

Email: ahuchton2003@gmail.com

'Gram: @amberhuchton 
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